Thinking Outside The Big Box: Impact of Local Shopping in Savannah
Savannah is known for being home for major companies like Gulfstream, The Georgia Ports Authority, and Memorial Health. Though these companies and entities do play a major role in our employment rate and overall economy, we also have over 1,700 small businesses. There is no shortage of money-making possibilities in Savannah and our Small Business Economy is steadily growing in the Spanish moss city.
Bike in downtown Savannah
From local restaurants like Corleone’s and Collins Quarter to shops like Civvie’s and Gypsy World, the experience of shopping in Downtown Savannah is incomparable.
Shopping has become so convenient to do in our modern world - It’s easy to go to the mall, browse Amazon, or visit any of the major chain stores and retailers that offer endless product selections in addition to the convenience of “one-stop” shopping. Sometimes the Big Box prices might beat those of your favorite local business, but keeping your dollars in Savannah has other advantages that are just as important as saving a couple of coins might be. Though it may not be immediately apparent, there are hidden benefits to local shopping in Savannah:
It Builds A Robust Economy.
Local businesses hire local workers. Not only are staff hired locally, but the majority of the time local businesses will hire local insurance brokers and accountants to run the business, contractors, and architects for building or remodeling, and local marketing agencies to promote the business. Local businesses are also more likely to carry goods produced in Savannah than chain companies or stores. This leads to what is called the “multiplier effect”. This means that for every dollar spent in a locally owned Savannah store brings an increase in funds back into the Savannah economy. On the opposite hand, Big Box chain stores tend to cause loss of more local jobs than they create because they often force out local retailers and cause them to go out of business. Also, spending locally instead of online ensures that your sales taxes are reinvested where they belong— in our community!
2. Shopping Local Creates A Tighter Community
Shopping at local businesses in Savannah gives our citizens a chance to connect with each other. Chatting with and getting to know your local barista while you wait for your cappuccino at Foxy Loxy, rather than just waving to the drive-through attendant at Starbucks is an immense difference Getting to know someone at Foxy Loxy rather than just waving at them in passing is an immense difference. We’ve gotten away from knowing the person that lives next door or owns a business in your neighborhood and it’s causing quite a loss. People who are disconnected from each other miss out on the true meaning of community. Community, creativity, and entrepreneurship are Savannah were founded upon and what has grown us into the power city that we are. Supporting local businesses ensures a stronger community. We are their friends and neighbors, and locally owned businesses have an authentic interest in knowing how to serve their neighborhood, rather than just something that says “Made in China.” We get to know the character of the seller and why they care about what they do. That is just something you can’t buy or read on the warranty. They aren’t just trying to make living but have a passion for what they do. Why not be a part of that?
Local Pizza Shop (Vinnie Van GoGo’s)
3. Shopping Local Fosters A Better Environment.
Independent, community-serving businesses are people-sized. Having stores in your immediate neighborhood means you can leave your car parked and do your errands on foot or by bicycle. Fewer cars on the road mean less traffic, less noise, and less pollution. Local businesses typically consume less land and carry more locally-made products. For food, this means that your product has less to travel and tend to be healthier and more likely to get fresh in-season products. With all of these factors working together, it leads to more efficient land use and more central locations that put less demand on our roads, sewers, and safety services. Did we mention that they also generate more tax revenue per sales dollar?
4. Shopping Local Creates More Local Jobs
Local businesses are better at creating more jobs for your neighbors. When you shop locally, you help create jobs for teachers, firemen, police officers, and many other essential professions.
5. Shopping Local Makes For A Great Place to Live.
This last point may come off as biased but it’s still important. Shopping in Savannah at local businesses make our town a more interesting and better place to live in. Housing tends to look the same from one residential area to the other, but in Downtown Savannah, with our thriving local businesses, there is a vibe that’s all it’s own. Local eateries, bars, bookstores, food markets, pharmacies, and gift shops all intertwine in together to give us the uniqueness that is Savannah.
River Street Savannah, Georgia
In this global world, we live in, it’s easy to forget where home is and what it has done for you. Savannah’s economy thrives off of our tourism sector for large and small businesses alike. With the impact, COVID-19 had on us by causing travel to the city to reduce by over 90% of our retail sectors can expect a considerable decline as well. It is now more important than ever that we invest in our local businesses. By shopping with small businesses we can make a big difference in our community and entrepreneurs that call Savannah home. Love where you live.
Where are your favorite places to eat or shop locally in Savannah? Comment Below!